Lewis Just

Designing Sustainable Futures

I'm a collaborative designer focused on creating sustainable futures through understanding complex problems and co-creating new experiences, products and impact ventures.

I freelance, teach at GSA, support the team at Andthen and chair the board for Inclusive Surfing Scotland.

I've worked with
AriseHealth logoOE logo2020INC logoThe Paak logoEphicient logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logoToogether logo
Co-founder | The ECO coin

A sustainable currency for planet Earth

Eating meat-free meals, switching to a green energy provider or riding a bike to work can earn you ECOs which you can spend in a new sustainable marketplace to buy ecological experiences, services and goods. This is a new way to track, measure and reward sustainability so that now you can do good and get paid.

visit ecocoin.com
Co-creator |  Hub Collective

A resource library for innovators in developing nations

The Hub Collective is a community-powered learning and sharing platform that strengthens innovation and entrepreneurship. Members are entrepreneurs, trainers, facilitators, coaches, enablers, practitioners, hub-makers and community-conveners who believe in the power of the collective to grow together.

visit hub-collective.org
Co-designer | Plastic Beach Party

A social enterprise turning plastic into community value

Plastic Beach Party collects, shreds, designs and moulds plastic waste into brand new products on the island of Aruba. We see a waste-free future where materials are valued and ecosystems are safe from trash that is instead utilised in a circular economy. We create recycled locally valuable products, research the impacts of plastic waste, and provide guidance for plastic free products.

visit plasticbeachparty.com
Co-chef and founder |  Nara Supplies

A regenerative Scottish food range made with time

Nara was the first capital city of Japan and also means Happy in Gaelic. We aim to create food that is good for our bellies and our biosphere, making the world a little bit happier with every mouthful.  I work alongside live cultures and ferments to transform humble Scottish ingredients into something tasty.

visit nara.supplies
Co-author | Carbon Reporting Research

An in-depth review of the carbon reporting market

The report shares insights into market trends, costs, and the challenges SMEs face in carbon reporting. It aims to help businesses navigate carbon reporting and support their transition to net zero. It includes extensive research, covering over 270 carbon reporting solutions as well as in depth results of surveys and interviews of SMEs and solution providers.

visit icebreakerone.org

Selected Work

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Workshops I've facilitated

B Corp Summit: Go Low on Carbon

The Netherlands | 100+ Business Leaders

Blended Learning for Startups

Nigeria | 30 Startup Hub Managers

Oxfam co-creation of Youth Hubs

Indonesia  | 25 Youths and Community Leaders

Design Thinking for Plastic Pollution

Aruba | 15 Passionate locals

Selected talks given

Scaling Impact
Advanced Research Centre, Glasgow, UK.
January 14th 2023

Symbiotic Futures
Glasgow School of Art, Online.
October 11th 2021

Workplace of the future
Bloc Brewery Living Lab Series, Online.
October 8th 2020

The future of design
Ghana Design Network, Online.
September 16th 2020

Making a sustainable economy the "new normal"
Economia Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
June 25th 2020

Designing futures and living in them
Speculative Futures Meetup, Glasgow, UK.
February 13th 2020

Less talk, more action; How we really change
ChangeNOW International Summit, Paris, France.
January 30th 2020

Balancing our economy and ecology
World forum for Responsible Economics, Lille, France.
October 15th 2019

A Sustainable currency for our Spaceship Earth
Waterkant Festival, Kiel, Germany.
June 14th 2019

UX Design for sustainable systems
Permaculture Symposium, Forres, UK.
June 10th 2019

The first 1000 days of building a product
Good Festival Summit, lausanne, Switzerland.
May 15th 2019

Doing more good with less
Innofrugal Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
May 7th 2019

Rebalancing our economy for people and planet
Balance Unbalance Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
19th September 2018

Gamification of our economy
Border Sessions, The Hague, Netherlands.
28th June 2017

Sustainable systems
Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
21st October 2016

Want to collaborate on a project, workshop or lecture? Drop me a line and let's talk.

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